Paris Farms believes in developing a complete relationship between the horse and rider. Lessons will include the following:
Learning how to prepare your horse for riding by grooming (brushing and picking hooves) and proper fit of tack. (saddle and bridle)
Handling your horse on the ground. (leading and proper mounting and dismounting)
After riding, care of your horse. (cooling down, brushing and properly putting away tack and horse)
Learn about horse behavior and especially rider safety.
Arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson so you begin on time. As you become more knowledgeable and comfortable you will be able to do the grooming and tacking on your own.
If signing up for lessons, please print off the Liability Release Agreement, see below, and bring it to your first lesson.
Learn to ride and excel while having fun!
Lesson Pricing
*One Private Lesson $70
*Package of Six Lessons $390
Required Riding Attire
ASTM approved riding helmet.
(Paris Farms will provide a proper helmet. Shortly after you are sure you would like to continue riding you may purchase a helmet and be fitted at a local tack store.)
Jeans or riding breeches.
Boots with at least ½ inch heel. ( tennis shoes not permitted)
Tailored or well fitting long or short sleeved shirt.
Riding gloves to protect your hands.
Other items you may want to purchase as you progress: half chaps, full chaps, paddock boots or tall riding boots.
Cancellation Policy
Paris Farms is a business and your instructor has reserved a specific time just for you often turning away other clients that would like to ride at the same time. When you do not show up for your lesson others are inconvenienced. If you need to reschedule or cancel a lesson please call at least 24 hours in advance. You must call or text your instructor directly. You will be charged for the lesson if you do not show up or cancel in advance. Your safety is important if you must cancel do to unsafe travel conditions you will not be billed.